Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Diamond Magick

Over the last couple of months I have been performing some magick that I never dreamed I would. The first bout of magick, unfortunately, turned out to be a dud.  Despite the fact that my magick failed to manifest, I can’t be too upset with the results.  Not only did I learn a few things from my working, but the first round of failed magick led me to where I am today … right at the heart of some complicated and perhaps profitable diamond magick.
In my dealings with diamond magick I have come to see that the procedure of diamond evaluation can actually be utilized as a model for aiding magickal practitioners in evaluating and structuring their magickal workings. In order to demonstrate this, we must first take a brief detour and learn how diamonds are evaluated or appraised.
Cut diamonds are appraised on four qualities (known as The Four C’s):
1) Cut – In simplest terms, the shape of the diamond.
2) Color – While most people probably are familiar with “colorless” or “white” diamonds, diamonds actually come in a wide array of colors (these colored diamonds are referred to as “Fancy Color Diamonds”).
3) Carat – This is the weight of the diamond. One carat = .0070547924 ounces; 200 milligrams; 0.2 grams or 1/5 of a gram.
4) Clarity – This refers to the number and type of blemishes or inclusions found within the diamond or on the diamond’s surface.
The Four C's Of Diamond Magick
Now, the Four C’s become magickally useful when we utilize them as a pre-working strategy for understanding both the situation that is eliciting a magickal response and our own mental/emotional makeup. Hopefully, these understandings will be of benefit when devising a magickal working.
1) Cut – Analyze the “shape” or “form” of the situation that is eliciting a magickal response? What does the situation “contain” and what are its limits? How is the situation structured? Does it have many levels? What is the shape of your response to the situation? Is your “shape-response” appropriate? Does your shape-response need to be reformed in order to better work with the situation at hand? Begin to think how you will structure your magical response.
2) Color – What is the “color” of the situation eliciting a magickal response? Is it a cool blue situation that can be handled calmly or a fiery red situation that demands an equally red response? Is the situation so red that it would be better to not respond at all? What “color” does the situation make you? Would a different hue be more beneficial when planning and carrying out your response?
3) Carat – What is the “weight” or “gravity” of the situation eliciting a magickal response? Is the situation “heavy” or pressing and demand an immediate response or is the situation “light in weight,” allowing one to ease into a response? Is the situation light enough that it requires no exertion on your part at all? What “weight” does the situation elicit in you? Is the weight you are experiencing appropriate or would a loss/ gain of weight be more beneficial to you?
4) Clarity – What are the imperfections or problems found within the situation eliciting a magickal response? Are they surface imperfections than can be polished away or are they invariably tied to the situation. Is there a way to minimize the problem areas that can’t be irradiated? Can the situation be worked in spite of its problem areas or should the situation be abandoned altogether? What blemishes or problems do you find within yourself that might limit your response to the situation at hand? Do you have too many blemishes at the current time to attempt to shape a response?
The questions above are just a sampling of many that can be asked as a precursor to any magickal operation. Hopefully, by utilizing “diamond magic” modeled on the Four C”s the stage can be set for a more efficient and productive magical operation.
Pyramid Charged Magical Products from AzureGreen

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