Saturday, May 28, 2016

Please, Throw Away Your Trash

Embrace every aspect of yourself, even the darkest, most painful and wicked parts of your psyche. Become a whole human being, not a fragmented creature who is in denial of the trash they house within ... love yourself, every bit of you. Such a position is not a new one, but it is one that I have been coming across as of late and thought I'd very briefly comment on.

The argument runs something like this: The goodness that many think they are is a lie, a falsehood, a sham created  in order to make themselves appear good and righteous, both to others and to themselves. This lie, this denial of the darker aspects of the self ( i.e., the shadow) bifurcates the psyche and causes a whole host of mental, emotional, and physical problems. By becoming conscious of the shadow and embracing it, one becomes whole and healthier. Moreover, one lives in truth rather than a lie.

With just a little bit of honest introspection I'm sure we can all find some previously undiscovered trash scattered about our minds. We are indeed deluding ourselves if we think our house is clean. Becoming conscious of the shadow is indeed important. But being conscious of the shadow is not the same thing as accepting and welcoming the darker aspects of the shadow into one's life. I find the very notion that we should love and accept ourselves (and that others should love and accept us) just as we are, trashy-dark-shadow side included, to be rather repulsive. Trash stinks! By accepting one's trash and permitting it to remain one will always stink. I believe it would be more healthy (and sanitary) if people would locate the trash housed within their psyche and haul it to the dumpster where it belongs. "Personal growth," ... I think that's what it's called.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil (Free of Charge While Supplies Last)

Does life have you down? Are you experiencing unwelcome bouts of anxiety. Do you see yourself as unsuccessful? If so, are you looking to turn that anxious frown upside down and become the success you always dreamed of becoming? Then look no further. Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil is the answer to your prays. Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil is specifically designed to alleviate anxiety and unhappiness while drawing success your way. And as a bonus feature, Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil  includes a mantra (Cupahay Tinrez) that, when recited, will increase the speed at which serenity, happiness and success begin to flow into your life. While you may be put off by the amateurish design of Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil, its potency will amaze you. How much would you pay for such a miraculous item - 5 dollars, 25 dollars, 25,000 dollars? Certainly, no monetary value can be assigned to such a powerful magical tool. Yet, on account of the magnanimous nature of its creator, Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil can be yours FREE of charge. Simply download the above Sigil, print it and hang it in a prominent place in your home or office in order to reap the rewards it will bestow upon you.

Disclaimer: Karmaghna's Talismanic Sigil is inert. Batteries not included.